
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂 - 采访第4学期的学生

Interviewing semester 4 students
格里昂 - 采访第4学期的学生

Sylvia Lohardjo  2014年05月15日



Maximilien von Stadelhofen,来自瑞士,酒店管理本科学士学位课程




Matilda Fredberg,来自瑞典,酒店管理本科学士学位课程




Rojjirat Opassuwan “Champagne,来自泰国,酒店管理本科学士学位课程


  毕业后我想参加文华东方酒店集团(Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group)的管理培训生项目,文华东方酒店是历史最悠久的酒店集团之一,在世界范围内享有极高的声誉。我主要对餐饮部门感兴趣,因为我喜欢和人们互动。我之前在一家餐厅中工作,那段工作经历让我认识到我喜欢为顾客提供品质卓越的服务,顾客们的满足让我感到快乐,并且让我为我的工作感到自豪。我在参加培训期间有时也会遇到难题,大多数是技术上的困难,但是那种克服困难之后的欢欣以及大家一起并肩作战让我克服了一个又一个的困难,并且我还学会从好事和坏事中都汲取到知识,这些都是宝贵的学习经历。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Interviewing semester 4 students

by Sylvia Lohardjo 15 May 2014

Hello guys? How are you doing?

I interviewed some of my friends to ask them how they feel about Glion. These are all students from semester 4, all from different countries. Meet my friends: Max from Switzerland, Matilda from Sweden and Champagne from Thailand.

Maximilien von Stadelhofen, Switzerland, Bachelor Hospitality Management

Why did you choose Glion?
I chose Glion because I was accepted in both EHL and G.I.H.E and I felt that Glion was more open-minded and really wanted me to study with them.

What made you choose the hospitality industry?
I chose the hospitality industry because I wanted to embrace new cultures. The human interaction within the hospitality industry was a real attraction to me as well.

What are your best memories at Glion?
My best memories as of now from Glion are the intercampus sport days, cultural fairs, being a tennis representative, meeting many new friends and general happiness.

Matilda Fredberg, Sweden, Bachelor Hospitality Management

Why did you choose Glion?
I chose Glion because of its multicultural environment and because of the Glion Spirit!

Find 3 keywords to define Glion
International, opportunities and Glion Spirit!

What made you chose the hospitality industry?
Hospitality is useful and needed in almost all business today. I see myself as a hospitality-person and I love meeting people.

Rojjirat Opassuwan “Champagne”, Thailand, Bachelor Hospitality Management

Why did you choose Glion?
I chose to come to Glion because of its reputation and the fact that it is accredited by NEASC, a renowned accreditation that is accepted by the industry. Glion provides both theoretical and practical knowledge required for the industry in areas such as Rooms Division, Food & Beverage and Hospitality Management. Furthermore, the school also offers Craft-Based Learning courses, which are hands-on classes in Food & Beverage and Rooms Division. Glion offers a great combination of theoretical and practical knowledge, it’s a fun learning experience for students, and we are able to develop our creativity through hands-on experience, which is beneficial for us when applying for an internship. I believe that Glion sets us apart from other graduates with a wide range of knowledge that prepares us for the real industry.

What is your dream job or What are your future projects/expectations?
I would like to take a Management Trainee Program with Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group upon my graduation, as it is one of the oldest hotel chains that is famous for its high reputation across the world. I am mainly interested in Food & Beverage because I love interacting with people. When I previously worked in a restaurant, it made me realize that I enjoy delivering excellent service, my customers’ satisfaction brought me happiness and pride in my work. At times, I faced obstacles during my training, mostly with technical matters, but the joy of accompanying and being accompanied by people has allowed me to overcome the hardships and learn to appreciate both the bad and the good times, both have given me great educational experiences.

Find 3 keywords to define Glion
Diversity, Friends, Unforgettable


