
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 从一名在线MBA校友身上发现更多的智慧结晶

More pearls of wisdom from an online MBA alumnus

Ulysses Theoharis          2013年11月14日

  从酒店管理在线MBA校友Ulysses Theoharis身上发现更多智慧的结晶









  现在,人际关系网在我们的职业生涯中是亟需资源 — 不管是我们想要取得个人进步还是在各自的专业领域获得发展。但事实是我们中的大部分人都比较胆小或害羞(真心的 — 或者至少我曾经是这样!)并且更愿意舒服地待在我们的舒适区中或者在公众活动时藏在自己的小圈子中吃吃喝喝。



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More pearls of wisdom from an online MBA alumnus

by Ulysses Theoharis         14 November 2013

More pearls of wisdom from Ulysses Theoharis, on-line Hospitality Management MBA alumnus

Hello again!

If you had read my first article you would have noticed I raised three important issues: age, proactivity, and time management.

Let’s start with age. If my readers are in their twenties, then there is not really an issue here. In your twenties you think you’ll conquer the world so you don’t see any real obstacles, but once you hit 40, then you start having doubts, especially if you spend time unemployed, or you feel you are trapped in a dead end job. Anyway I have to say to all readers of all ages, that being in your 40s plus, could actually be an advantage. Think of experience (lots of it), think of temper (normally able to control it) and think of knowledge (I mean the one where we learned from our mistakes).

Let’s pass onto the second issue: proactivity. This is something that you will also learn during your studies at GLION but try to consider developing this trait anyway, because it can prove to be a real life saver.

Being proactive means to be able to notice or feel possible future events that could affect your personal or professional life dramatically. Now don’t misunderstand me, I am not suggesting that you become psychic or some kind of X man / woman. Just simply look around, read, learn, listen to people, news, events etc. You will may be able to live your life without so many painful mistakes. Actually, this is something that I have developed with age (one more advantage to add to age).

The third issue is time management. This is something that you will learn at GLION really well. In my case, if I hadn’t had proper time management training, then I would never have managed to complete my MBA on time, since parallel to my studies I was working and also had a personal life. To be able to manage your schedule can be an immense advantage, not only while studying but also in your professional and personal life after the studies.

So the purpose in saying all these things was to talk about the amazing journey I went on with the online MBA in Hospitality Management at GLION. As I mentioned earlier, it took two and a half years to complete, and believe me I never expected for it to be so demanding.

You hear the word ‘online’, so you think ‘how tough can it be?’ Well it is. It requires a lot of studying and many hours devoted in doing just that. But it is extremely stimulating and the knowledge that you acquire will prove very valuable for the rest of your career. Another very important gain from the program (that I also made) is the creation of solid relationships, or what is popularly known as networking benefits.

Now, networking is immensely needed in our professional lives if we want to progress as individuals, but also in our respective professional fields. But the reality is that the majority of us are timid or shy (e.g yours truly – or at least I used to be!) and are more comfortable staying in our comfort zone or hiding behind a drink and the snacks at events.

But this is for another time.

To be continued…….


