
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 科技在酒店教育中的应用

Technology in Hospitality Education

  格里昂高等教育学院   2015年2月3日

  采访Carlo Giardinetti先生,专业人员培养计划(Professional Development Program)课程主任,第2部分



  是的,我率先把谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)应用到了教室里。当时我用谷歌眼镜主要做两件事情。一是为他们的工作做视频反馈。而在做视频反馈之前,我要先提供文字反馈。现在,我用我的谷歌眼镜可以制作一分钟的视频反馈。谷歌眼镜有一个很伟大的创新之处就是解放了你的双手,让我在这里向他们展示一下我说的是什么(show them what I’m talking about)。这个方法极大地提高了反馈的质量,也让他们更容易理解我表达的内容。


  我发现谷歌眼镜还有一个用处:我们总想带学生们去酒店和其他一些设施场地参观,但是从逻辑上讲又不可能总是带着30名学生去参观一家酒店或机场。于是我尝试着在参观一家五星级酒店或机场的时候戴上谷歌眼镜,与此同时,学生们通过联网就可以看到我参观的现场,这样我能看到的,他们也都能看到,他们还可以向我提问,和我互动。这对于学生们来说非常有吸引力,他们也喜欢这种方式。这种方法让我们在教室里就可以看到这个行业的真实状况。我们也用其它的方法与行业保持联系。比如,我带过一个研究生班级,把教室与谷歌眼镜连接上,我们和一位在伦敦四季酒店(Four Seasons in London)担任客房部主管的校友联系,这样即使当我在和班里同学讲话的时候,我们整个班级也在和这位行业领导联系着,学生们可以向我提问,也可以向他提问。这种方式真的非常吸引人。


  用到了。我们正在用增强现实技术(augmented reality),学生们可以通过这项技术浏览图像、剪切视频或文章。我们正在使用惠普AURASMA 软件(AURASMA by HP)。上个学期,我们制作了一个海报并将其放在走廊里展示。海报的名字是“求知若渴”。这张海报涵盖了三个主题:酒店、餐饮和领导力。我们每周都会对海报的内容进行更新。所以学生们在去往教室的路上时会用AURASMA 软件扫描一下海报的内容,每次都会得到一个新的和海报主题相关的文章或视频。我们甚至还用这个软件做了一次寻宝游戏。在学生们学习的时候使用现代工具和新科技为学习过程增添了很多令人兴奋的元素,学生们都很投入。我们认为在教学中使用新的科技已经越来越有必要。网上有海量信息可供使用,这也是学生们筛选和分析信息的途径,所以我们希望以这种方式激发学生们的求知欲。




  关于Carlo Giardinetti先生:格里昂高等教育学院专业人员培养计划(Professional Development Program)项目主任

  Giardinetti先生23岁就开始在酒店行业工作了。他原本是一名足球运动员,一次受伤让他结束了这段职业生涯,转而进入酒店行业发展。Giardinetti先生于2002年被格里昂录取,攻读格里昂研究生文凭。在此之前,他在不同的国家、公司和部门中工作过。在即将完成研究生学位课程的时候,Giardinetti的事业开始起飞,他只用了两年的时间便从餐饮部副经理升至酒店总经理。2008年,他决定去英国曼彻斯特商学院(Manchester Business School)读MBA,在这个课程期间,Giardinetti参加了学校在日本、德国和西班牙组织的商业实践项目。在2012年欧洲杯(EURO 2012)之前,Giardinetti在乌克兰(Ukraine)短暂工作了一段时间,做酒店开业之前的筹备工作和管理酒店开业事宜。2012年Giardinetti回到格里昂,成为格里昂教师团队中的一员,随后很快就被提升为课程主任。

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Technology in Hospitality Education

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 3 February 2015

Interview with Mr. Carlo Giardinetti, Professional Development Program Manager, Part 2

Using high-tech toys to engage students and provide industry insights, Mr. Giardinetti is innovating in the classroom and bringing the curriculum to life. As the Program Manager, he is responsible for leading the Professional Development courses which focus on the industry, such as The World of Hospitality and Tourism, Hospitality Operations Management and Principles of Tourism and Travel.

We’ve heard that you are using Google Glass in the classroom? How does that work?

Yes, I have initiated the use of Google Glass in the classroom. At the moment I’m doing two main things. One is to provide video feedback on their work. Before, I would provide written feedback. Now, I provide one minute of video feedback using my Google Glass. The great thing about Google Glass is to use your hands, allowing me to show them what I’m talking about. This method has improved greatly the quality of feedback that I provide and their understanding of it.

Another way I use Google Glass in the classroom is to capture moments in the classroom and use them to reflect on my role as a teacher. For example, I’m using a new article and while I’m explaining this to students, I’m recording myself so later I can see how it went, and improve things for the next class. I also capture presentations and discussions. So I give the Google Glass to students and they film the discussion so they can reflect on the key information later.

The last use I’ve found for Google Glass is this: We always want to take the students out to visit hotels and other facilities. But logistically it’s not always possible to take 30 students to visit a hotel or an airport. So I’ve tried wearing the Google Glass on a visit of a five-star hotel, or the airport. At the same time, the students are watching this live, connected by internet, so they can see what I see, ask questions, and interact with me. It’s engaging for the students and they like it. This method allows us to bring the industry to the classroom. We also use other methods to connect with the industry, for example, I lead a master class using classroom connectivity and we connected with an alumnus who is the Rooms Division Director of Four Seasons in London. So while I was speaking with the class, we also connected with this industry leader. So they could ask me, or him, questions. It’s extremely engaging.

Any other new technology on the campus?

Yes, we are using augmented reality, which allows students to scan an image and get a video clip or article. We are using AURASMA by HP. Last semester, we created a poster and placed it in the hallway. It was titled “Hungry for Knowledge” and it was a poster on three topics: Hospitality, Food & Beverage, and Leadership. Every week, we updated the content. So the students on their way to class scanned it. Each time, they would get a new article or video related to this topic. We even had a treasure hunt using this. Again, engaging the student while they are learning, using modern tools and technology brings excitement for learning. We think this is more and more necessary. Information is widely available online, so it’s about the way students select and analyse information, so we aim to stimulate their curiosity.

Are there any new tools you are looking at for 2015?

We are investigating new forms of assessment such as using simulations. We are already using an online simulator in Semester 4 for the Managing Rooms Revenue course, where students have to choose the best rates of rooms and things, as a business simulation. Now there are more sophisticated simulations available so we are looking at other simulations.

We are also looking at introducing personal development portfolios for the student. We are looking at the best platform to allow them to keep track of what they do and learn during a semester and give them a place to store key information, projects, faculty insight and other useful information from each semester. So by the end of Semester 7 it will be like a biography of the student. It would be usable on LinkedIn, so they can use it when interviewing with future employers.

About Mr. Carlo Giardinetti, Program Manager of the Professional Development Program, Glion Institute of Higher Education 

Mr. Giardinetti began working in hospitality at the age of 23, when an injury put an end to his career as a professional footballer. He worked in diverse departments, companies and countries before enrolling at Glion for the Postgraduate Diploma in 2002. Upon completion of his degree, his career took off, allowing him to rise from Assistant F&B Manager to General Hotel Manager in just two years. He decided to study MBA at Manchester Business School in the UK, in 2008 where he participated in applied business projects in Japan, Germany and Spain. He worked briefly in Ukraine before the EURO 2012 in the pre-opening and opening of hotels. He returned to Glion as a faculty member in 2012, and shortly thereafter he was promoted to the Program Manager position.


