
#GHEAC#[成功校友]在奢侈品行业实习 — Mario Nurzia,将于2016年毕业,在纽约担任卡地亚(Cartier)销售助理

A Luxury Industry Internship – Mario Nurzia ‘16, Sales Assistant at Cartier, NY
在奢侈品行业实习 — Mario Nurzia,将于2016年毕业,在纽约担任卡地亚(Cartier)销售助理

  格里昂高等教育学院     2015年4月23日

  Mario Nurzia现在在卡地亚(Cartier)纽约旗舰店实习,职位是销售助理。回顾在酒店管理专业接受的专业训练,Mario Nurzia分享了这些专业训练对他在奢侈品行业的工作起到的帮助作用以及他在这个行业的事业发展前景。下个学期他将返回格里昂继续完成他的酒店管理本科学士学位课程,专业方向则是奢侈品品牌管理。

  姓名:Mario Nurzia



  在来格里昂读书之前,Mario就已经在酒店中工作了,是在一家五星级酒店实习 — 哈塞拉罗马酒店(Hotel Hassler in Rome)。他在格里昂的第二次实习(第一次实习是在本科学习阶段)是在巴黎布里斯托尔酒店(Le Bristol in Paris)— 一家久负盛名的贵族酒店,位列法国独有的“宫殿”级别酒店名册中。


  “做决定、公开演讲、自我展示和时间管理 — 这些技能都是我最初在格里昂学到的,这些技能是在奢侈品行业工作需要具备的基础能力。”




  “我在酒店行业的工作经历让我深刻地理解到了服务的重要性。我对小细节都很留心,这样对客户的服务就能产生惊喜的效果。从基本的服务如当顾客需要使用电梯的时候确保电梯停留在这一层,到见面的时候称呼他们的名字对他们表示欢迎 — 即使他们之前从来没有见过你。我现在每天在努力达到的目标是预先察觉到客户的需求并提前为他们提供他们所需要的服务。”







  如需更多信息,可以在领英上加Mario为联系人: add Mario to your network on LinkedIn;或访问以下链接:Luxury Brand Management specialization page.

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

A Luxury Industry Internship – Mario Nurzia ‘16, Sales Assistant at Cartier, NY

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 23 April 2015

Currently on internship as a Sales Assistant in Cartier’s flagship New York City location, Mario Nurzia reflects on how his hospitality training is contributing to his work in the luxury industry and his career prospects therein. He will return to Glion next semester to begin the Luxury Brand Management specialization for his bachelor degree in hospitality.

Name: Mario Nurzia

Nationality: Italian

Semester 5, Bachelor Degree in Hospitality Management

Mario began working in hospitality on internship at the 5 star Hotel Hassler in Rome before starting Glion. His second internship (the first one during his undergraduate studies) was at Le Bristol in Paris, a prestigious and elegant hotel in the exclusive category of French ‘’palace’’ hotels.

“I had many occasions to learn new skills through my hospitality internships.” Mario explains:

“Decision making, public speaking, self-presentation and time management are all skills that I have initially developed at Glion and have found to be fundamental in luxury environments.”

Now, on his final internship in New York, Mario is working at the flagship store of Cartier as a Sales Assistant.

“Cartier is a very unique company. Known as ‘’the jeweler of kings and the king of jewelers”, they are pioneers and now leaders in jewelry, high jewelry, watches, fine watchmaking, leather goods and personal accessories,” Mario says, “The thing that I like best about working at Cartier is the opportunity to gain different knowledge.”

As a polished hospitality professional, Mario’s skills in customer service have proven useful in this luxury environment, helping him to manage his responsibilities and exceed client expectations.

“My hospitality experience has enabled me to understand how important service is. I always try to notice small details and create a surprise effect for the customer. From basic services like making sure the lift is there when they need it, to welcoming them with their names although they have never met you before, anticipating customer needs is what I try to achieve each day.”

“My main responsibilities are to provide a consistently excellent client experience by maintaining the highest degree of courtesy and professionalism. Partnering with sales associates and floor management and interacting with clients is a key component of my training.”

When Mario heard that Glion would be offering a Luxury Brand Management specialization, he knew it was the right pathway for his career aspirations.

“I believe the Luxury Brand Management pathway at Glion will be an asset to luxury brands such as Cartier. In the luxury industry, the sale is just a small part compared to the whole process of luxury business.”

“Elements of luxury hospitality can and must be introduced to the luxury industry. Hospitality educated graduates are very relevant and useful for these companies who are starting to realize the potential of a strong hospitality culture and the customer-centered improvements that they can make.”

Although his plans for the future are still not 100% defined, Mario believes he will surely stay in the luxury environment. He concludes:

“I am truly passionate about luxury. With the specialization I will be in a very competitive position. Working in the headquarters of one of these world class luxury brands is probably where I wish to start my career after my graduation.”

For more information,  add Mario to your network on LinkedIn or visit the Luxury Brand Management specialization page..


