
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动 — 关于性别平等问题的专题讨论会

HeForShe Glion panel on gender equality
格里昂“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动 — 关于性别平等问题的专题讨论会

Caroline Detroux    2015年6月10日



  2010年7月,联合国妇女署(UN Women)建立,旨在促进两性平等和妇女赋权实体。2014年9月,联合国妇女署发起了首次全球范围内的“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动。该活动基于“性别平等问题对所有人都有影响”这个思想而确立,旨在让男性参与进来,通过男性的声音来阐述女性赋权与性别平等的重要性。

  “影响力10x10x10”试点项目的创立就是为了让各国政府、企业集团和大学都参与进来,加强和巩固“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动的影响。Shirley Ko和Franco Benitez在格里昂组织了“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动,使格里昂参与到这场全球活动中来,并组织了首次专题讨论会以启发学生对该活动的理解。

  在首场专题讨论会中,我们很荣幸地邀请到这么多行业的专题小组讨论成员 — 无论是在公共领域还是个人领域均有涉及:女性国际网络(Women’s International Networking)创始人和领导者Kristin Engvig;联合国人权理事会(United Nations Human Rights Council)美国代表Keith Harper大使;格里昂在线MBA课程前任教学主任Mary Farmer;日内瓦豪华汽车租赁(Elite car rental in Geneva)首席执行官和创始人Graziella Zanoletti和洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)对外关系主任Sacha P. Sidjanski教授。他们从自己的经历、观察和对这个问题的考量出发,与我们分享了他们的观点以及对性别平等问题的远景展望。

  在专题讨论会刚开始的时候,Kristin Engvig给我们讲解了性别平等问题的演变过程,并着重强调了目前我们所面临的性别平等问题中几个重要的方面。她解释说:性别不平等现象已经存在了几百年,都成了我们历史的一部分,但是只有到最近人们才开始给予这个问题更多关注。

  这个世界上的许多事情都在快速变化着,女性商业时代的到来使得等级观念、人们的沟通方式、价值观和人脉关系网都发生了转变。女性不想让公司出于达到在男女比例上定额的原因而雇用她们。另一方面,男性应该拥有陪产假,陪妻子共同抚育子女。人们想让别人根据自己的谈话内容选择倾听自己,而不是基于性别因素。我们都处在这个变化之中,我们每个人都需要注意到这个变化。对Kristin Engvig而言,“他为了她”(HeForShe)活动就是这个变化的一种表现,这不仅仅是“另一种女权主义运动”,还是一场推进性别平等的运动。




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HeForShe Glion panel on gender equality

by Caroline Detroux 10 June 2015

On the 12th of May, 2015, HeForShe Glion organised the first HeForShe Glion panel discussion on the Bulle campus.

For years, gender equality has been a major subject of discussion. There are the supporters, the detractors, and the ones who are indifferent. Most of us have an opinion about gender equality, but can we say things have progressed lately? Inequalities are everywhere, in different moments of life and in all parts of the globe.

UN Women was created in July 2010 with the purpose of creating a greater impact on gender equality and facilitating the empowerment of women. In September 2014, UN Women launched a global initiative called HeforShe, grounded in the idea that gender equality is an issue that affects all people. Its goal is to engage men as agents of change for the achievement of gender equality and women’s rights.

The ‘Impact 10x10x10’ pilot program was created to engage governments, corporations and universities around the world to accelerate and enhance the impact of the campaign. The organizers of #HeForSheGlion, Shirley Ko and Franco Benitez, involved Glion in this global movement and organized the first panel discussion to enlighten students to the cause.

For the first panel, we had the honor of welcoming panelists from a wide range of industries, in both the public and private sector: Kristin Engvig, founder and leader of W.I.N. (Women’s International Networking); Ambassador Keith Harper (United States representative to United Nations Human Rights Council; Mary Farmer (former Director of Glion Online programs); Graziella Zanoletti (CEO and founder of Elite car rental in Geneva) and Professor Sacha P. Sidjanski, External Relations Manager at EPFL). From their personal experiences, observations and initiatives, they shared with us their opinions on and vision for gender equality, and the role of men in the movement.

At the start of the panel, Kristin Engvig reminded us about the evolution of gender equality and stressed several aspects of the current situation. She explained that for centuries inequality was a part of our history but it is only recently that people’s awareness of the issue soared.

The world is changing quickly in many ways, where the arrival of women in business has transformed notions of hierarchy, communication, values and networks. Women don’t want to be hired because of their gender just to help a company reach its quota. And on the flip side, men should be granted paternity leave to raise their children. People want to be listened to for what they are saying and not be held to assumptions based on whether they are a man or a woman. We are all involved in this change, and we need each other to realize this change. For Kristin Engvig, the HeForShe campaign is the expression of this change; it is not just “another feminist campaign”, it is a movement that promotes equality.

After a brilliant start to the event, the passionate, intellectual and informed panel discussion commenced. The audience represented Glion’s international environment and the importance of our diversity. As an international institute of higher education, Glion welcomes students with different familial, educational, cultural and traditional backgrounds, hence, enhancing our view of gender equality. Panelists reminded us that, as future leaders of a globalized industry, we have a role to play for this cause, by promoting gender equality and stopping discrimination.

Although the panelists were from different professional backgrounds, they all agreed on the prevalence of inequality. Whether it was with recruitment, interpersonal relationships or salary, it was quite alarming to see all the panelists mention an example without thinking for more than 5 seconds. Among these issues, pay inequality appeared to be one of the biggest ones because it is more tangible than inequalities on an interpersonal level. However, it is also a cause for concern because the gender pay gap impacts one’s pension. Panelists noted women tend to limit themselves in certain sectors such as engineering, where for every job offer, 50 men apply, compared to only 5 women.

This first panel gave us an amazing opportunity to share and improve our awareness of this sensitive but fundamental subject. It demonstrated the effect of one small action in changing everything. If we all do the small things, we will be met with change in the end. It is our responsibility as citizens of the world, as men and as women, and as human beings, to fight for our civilization and for a world where gender equality will cease to be an issue one day. Because HeForShe is also SheForHe, we have to understand and support each other to eradicate the inequality that affects us all.


