
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 在伦敦学习的3个原因

3 Reasons to Study in London 

  格里昂高等教育学院      2015年1月14日



  伦敦是世界上最受留学生欢迎的城市,这里有10万多名留学生,来自200多个不同的国家。(1) 虽然在伦敦开设酒店管理课程的学校不多,但是在这里学习酒店管理和商业运营仍然有很多非常显著的优势,我们格里昂伦敦校区的学生可以证明这一点。

  以下列举了我们学生最喜欢格里昂伦敦校区的一些方面。格里昂伦敦校区是格里昂高等教育学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)在英国的分校区,坐落在罗汉普顿大学(University of Roehampton)校内,距伦敦西区(London’s West End)只有40分钟的距离。


  对于酒店专业和商务专业的学生来说,伦敦有非常丰富的鼓舞人心的资源。上学期我们学生们去参观了伦敦的一些特色景点,包括五星级的朗廷酒店(Langham Hotel)和其它七家伦敦精品豪华酒店;
他们在The Sampler酒窖品尝了葡萄酒;在伦敦黑暗餐厅(Dans le Noir London)完全黑暗的环境中用餐,并在红花餐厅(Benihana Restaurant)享用了美味的日式铁板烧。




  伦敦是2014年游客访问量最多的城市,据估计国际游客数量达到1,869万。(2) 对这个数据不必感到惊讶,伦敦是世界上最受欢迎的城市之一是有许多原因的。这里有最好的购物中心和时尚中心,不可胜数的历史遗迹和博物馆,74家五星级酒店,54个米其林星级餐厅,每年有250个节日和1,7000场音乐表演,再加上每晚上大约200场的演出。伦敦还是一个全球旅游中心,从这里可以到达英国的每个角落,还有很多短时间的航班可以抵达欧洲其他国家的首都。



  我们的学生们非常喜欢罗汉普顿大学(Roehampton)的设施和校园服务,这所大学最近刚被评为伦敦最优秀的现代大学(Best Modern University in London)。.(3) 这所英国大学校区很大,学生人数也很多,有一万名学生,来自140个不同的国家,学校里有60个社团和运动俱乐部。学生公寓为学生单人间,配备全套的现代化设施和社区厨房。


  “我在空闲的时候会去体育馆,体育馆就在校内,和其他同学一起在那里锻炼特别好玩。我们组织宴会,一起去参观博物馆、剧院、看戏剧表演,或者参加格里昂伦敦校区组织的活动 — 学生事务部特别棒,为我们学生们提供了各种各样的机会让我们在最大程度上体验到校园生活和伦敦生活,”酒店管理研究生文凭课程的一名学生Joana如是说。 

  格里昂伦敦校区提供酒店管理商务管理方向本科学士课程(历时三年半)、酒店管理研究生文凭课程(历时一年半),夏季学术项目和英语语言课程(有16周的课程,也有3周的课程)。更多关于课程和录取的信息,可点击此链接查阅更多资料:request a brochure 。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

3 Reasons to Study in London 

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 14 January 2015

London is an ideal place to study business and hospitality.

London is the most popular city in the world for international students with more than 100,000 international students from more than 200 different countries.(1) While hospitality management courses in London remain rare, there are several big advantages to studying hospitality and business in London, as our Glion London students can attest.

Here are the things that our students like best about Glion London, the UK branch campus of Glion Institute of Higher Education, located on the grounds of the University of Roehampton, just 40 minutes from London’s West End.

Hospitality & Business Trends

London is a great source of inspiration for hospitality and business majors. Last semester, our students visited some of London’s iconic tourist sites including the 5-star Langham Hotel and seven other design hotels in London; they tasted wine at ‘The Sampler’ Wine Cellar; they dined in the dark at ‘Dans le Noir London’ and enjoyed Teppen-yaki at the Benihana Restaurant.

“London is very developed in the hospitality industry. This city gives students the possibility to open our minds to the latest ideas and industry trends. Besides that, London is an amazing city where you can do almost everything you want,” said Diogo, a student of the BBA in Hospitality Management.

A City like No Other

London was the most visited city in 2014 with an estimated 18.69 million international visitors.(2) No surprise there, London is one of the world’s most popular cities for many reasons. It has the best shopping and fashion, endless monuments and museums, 74 five-star hotels, 54 Michelin-starred restaurants, 250 festivals and 17,000 music performances held every year, plus some 200 shows offered every night. London is also a global travel hub with connections to every corner of the UK and short flights to other European capitals.

A London University Campus

Our students enjoy the facilities and services of the University of Roehampton, recently elected the Best Modern University in London.(3) This big UK university community of 10,000 students from 140 different countries offers 60 societies and sports clubs. Student housing offers modern, single rooms with en suite facilities and community kitchens.

“In my spare time, I go to the gym, which is on campus, and it is awesome to be with other students there. We organize dinners, visits to museums, theatre, plays or Glion London helps in the organization – the Student Affairs Department is amazing, and gives us students all kind of opportunities to experience what the campus and London has to offer,” says Joana, a student of the Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Administration.

Glion London delivers the Bachelor of Business Administration in Hospitality Management (3.5 years), the Postgraduate Diploma in Hospitality Administration (1.5 years), Summer Academy program and English Language programs (16-week and 3-week programs).  For more information about the programs and admissions, request a brochure.

(2) newsroom.mastercard.com


