
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:如何获得一份实习

How to get an internship

Sylvia Lohardjo   2014年10月01日

  嗨,伙伴们,你们好吗?最近我在忙我的新实习——在文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)做传播部实习生。如何获得一个在梦想中酒店实习的机会?在这方面我并不是一个专家,但我能在这里跟你们分享我是如何找到我的实习工作的。



  在我开始查找职位之前,我先想好了我要去哪里。否则就只能漫无目的地搜索了。我将区域锁定在洛杉矶(Los Angeles)、西雅图(Seattle)、悉尼(Sydney)和雅加达(Jakarta),然后在这些地方的酒店中查找实习机会。


  首先,我浏览了很多家酒店的官方网站,在他们的招聘网页上寻找是否有我可以选择的实习职位。然后我又搜索了一些网站 — 酒店会在这些网站上发布他们公开招聘的职位和职位要求等。其中一个网站是Hosco。Hosco在酒店专业学生中是一个非常有名的门户网站。我们可以在这个网站上发布我们的个人简历,附带上我们的语言技能和评论,并且在这个网站上有海量工作可以申请。我在Hosco上也申请了一些实习,不幸的是,我所有想做的实习都被拒掉了。另一个重要的门户网站就是领英(LinkedIn),领英不仅可以扩展你的人脉,还可以帮助你创立一份更符合职场要求的简历。




  实习办公室会帮助你 — 发送给你一份你想去的国家的电子邮箱清单。比如说,我想去澳大利亚,他们就会把这个国家所有酒店人力资源部的邮箱地址都发给你。不过,其中一些邮箱可能并没有及时更新 — 这就取决于你自己了,你要自己去找到有效的邮箱地址。


  实习办公室也会组织一些企业招聘会或企业面试来帮助你。当一流的酒店集团开始招聘(top hospitality companies come to recruit)时,你绝对要申请一次面试机会。这些面试会加强你的讲话技能、增强你的自信,同时也让你有更多机会向这家酒店表达你的工作需求。之后,实习办公室会给你发送一份你们这个学期的竞争力统计,上面会显示哪个班级收到了最多的实习邀请,这是一种非常好的方式,总会让我们受到极大的激励。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

How to get an internship

by Sylvia Lohardjo 1 October 2014 

Hi guys, how are you? Lately, I have been busy with my new internship as the communication intern at the  Mandarin Oriental, I am no expert on how to get a dream hospitality internship, but this is the way I got mine.

I found my internship not by luck, but by calling a lot of hotels. There is no easy way to get an internship. Even if you’re from a reputable hotel school, such as Glion, that is not what matters most. A good resume or appearance may also help; however, experience and attitude is critical.

Choose a Location

Before I got started looking for positions, I decided where to go. Otherwise, it would have been an aimless search. I looked for hotels in Los Angeles, Seattle, Sydney and Jakarta.

Check websites

First, I went to a lot of hotel websites and looked at their career pages to find out if there were any internship positions available. Then, I researched websites where hotels post their open positions, with their requirements. One of them was Hosco. Hosco is a famous portal among hospitality studentswhere we can post our CV, with our language skills and comments, and we can apply to numerous jobs. I applied to several internships on Hosco; unfortunately, I was rejected from all the internships I wanted. Another important portal is LinkedIn, it not only increases your network connections, it helps to create a profile that is accessible to the professional world.

Pick up the phone

In my opinion, the most effective way to get an internship is to call the company. This direct contact allows you to speak with the human resources department and ask for the email of the person to whom you may send your CV.

Get internship contacts

The internship office will help you by actually sending you a list of emails of the country that you want. For example, I wanted to go to Australia, so they sent me the whole list of th-e hotels’ human resources’ emails. However, some of the emails are not up to date and it is up to you to look for it.

Go to company recruitment visits

The internship office also helps you by organizing company visits and interviews.  When top hospitality companies come to recruit, you should definitely apply for an interview. These interviews will enhance your speaking skills and self-confidence and allow you to have a more personal appeal to that hotel. Later, they will send you a competition statistic for your semester telling which class has received the most internships, always a great way to cheer us on.

Don’t give up

Even if you’re rejected from one of your offers, there must be a realistic dream internship for you. Don’t blame yourself if you don’t get the internship because of language barriers. A language is important but being confident is also another asset. Lastly, I wish you good luck finding your internship!  Do not hesitate to contact the internship department for advice and tips. The process of looking for an internship should be fun and don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

I will be posting an article about my internship life soon. #MO intern


