
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 旅游营销与管理的前景

The Future of Destination Marketing and Management

  格里昂高等教育学院        2015年6月16日

  2015年6月2号,格里昂高等教育学院很荣幸地举办了酒店及餐饮教育联合会瑞士地区小型研讨会(EuroCHRIE Swiss mini-conference),举办地点在布勒校区(Bulle campus),这是格里昂连续第二年承办此会议。今年研讨会的主题是旅游营销和管理的前景,来自瑞士其他酒店管理学校的大约30位嘉宾、格里昂在线MBA的学生和布勒校区的全体老师共同出席了这次会议。

  格里昂教务处主任(Glion Director of Academic Affairs)Christian Daujat首先致欢迎辞,然后会议正式开始。随后,来自马德里欧洲大学(Universidad Europea de Madrid)国际酒店管理专业文学硕士课程教学主任David Mora与观众分享了蓬勃发展的旅游业迷人的前景。为了让大家对他所描述的发展有一个更直观的理解,他还举了一个例子:西班牙有一个旅游岛屿已经实现全岛覆盖Wi-Fi,并且免费向公众开放。

  David Mora及他演讲的”从旅游业发达的城市可以学到哪些旅游管理经验“。

  接下来的两位演讲者Sue Clark和Alphy Johnson讲述了自己对旅游行业发展的看法。Sue Clark是一位顾问,同时也是格里昂在线MBA课程的一名老师;Alphy Johnson是酒店行业的一名独立顾问,也为格里昂在线MBA课程讲课。Sue的演讲集中讲述了泰国旅游业,与以往从游客角度考虑哪些旅游景点更具吸引力这个思维模式相反,Sue建议从景区的角度考虑,景区要做好定位,弄清楚它们的目标客户是哪些人群。 Alphy在酒店运营领域有丰富的国际实战背景,在演讲中Alphy把自己对瑞士圣莫里茨(St Moritz in Switzerland)、泰国清迈(Changmai in Thailand)、美国约塞米蒂国家公园(Yosemite National Park in the US)这些景区的旅游管理经验总结做了比较。你知道约塞米蒂国家公园有全美国最大的公交系统吗?

  享用过美味的午餐之后,来自爱尔兰利莫瑞克理工学院(Limerick Institute of Technology)的Noelle O’Connor博士带着观众一同经历了一场爱尔兰之旅。在Noelle O’Connor博士富有表现力的展示中,观众了解到了圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick’s Day)— 爱尔兰人在世界范围内欢庆的节日 — 是如何让爱尔兰拥有自由旅游圣地这个美誉的。观众还了解到了约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)是如何把旅游业带到爱尔兰的。

  最后一位发言人是来自格里昂的研究学者Henri Kuokkanen,与观众共同探讨了他对旅游景点综合营收管理的研究,重点阐述了目前航空公司和酒店行业在商业运营上所取得的成功为旅游行业的创新经营与管理提供了巨大的参考价值。今天的会议取得了圆满成功,感谢所有热情澎湃的演讲者们,感谢积极配合的观众!

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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The Future of Destination Marketing and Management

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 16 June 2015

On June 2nd Glion Institute of Higher Education had the pleasure of hosting a EuroCHRIE Swiss mini-conference on the Bulle campus for the second consecutive year. This year the theme of the event was the future of destination marketing and management, with around 30 guests from Swiss hospitality schools and Glion Online MBA and campus faculty joining the day.

The day started with Glion Director of Academic Affairs, Christian Daujat, welcoming the guests. Following him David Mora, Director of the M.A. in International Hotel Management from Universidad Europea de Madrid, shared an intriguing future vision of smart destinations with the audience. As an example of such development, he offered a Spanish tourism island that has been covered entirely with a free, public Wi-Fi service.

David Mora and what destinations can learn from smart cities.

The next two presentations provided insights into destination development with Sue Clark, a consultant and a member of Glion Online MBA faculty, and Alphy Johnson, Independent Hospitality Advisor also lecturing for Glion Online MBA. Sue, focusing on tourism in Thailand, reversed the question of a preferred destination and suggested that instead destinations should ask who their preferred visitors are. Alphy, with his extensive international background in hospitality operations, compared experiences from St Moritz in Switzerland, Changmai in Thailand, and Yosemite National Park in the US. Did you know that Yosemite has the largest bus transportation system in the United States?

After a delicious lunch, Dr. Noelle O’Connor, from Limerick Institute of Technology, took the audience on a journey to Ireland. During her media-rich presentation the audience learned how St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated around the world, offers Ireland free destination branding, and how John F. Kennedy brings tourism to the island.

As the final presenter, Henri Kuokkanen, a research fellow from Glion, discussed his research on collaborative revenue management in destinations, emphasizing that practices proven successful in the airline and hotel businesses can provide great value to tourism destinations when applied innovatively. The day was a great success thanks to all the exciting presentations, and the active and engaged audience!


