
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 酒店教育中的创新

Innovation in Hospitality Education

  格里昂高等教育学院      2015年1月26日

  酒店教育中的创新:采访Carlo Giardinetti先生,专业人员培养计划(Professional Development Program)课程主任(第1部分)





  我们还做了一件事情:我们改变了三间教室的布置。这只是一个基础的改变,却产生了很大的影响。正常情况下,所有的教室都会有一个典型的讲台,几排桌子,并且桌子面向教室前方。我们现在有三间教室 — 在这三间教室中,课桌是分组布置的,每六张课桌为一组,学生们也分成小组,并且是彼此面对面而坐。这种座位结构特别有利于在课堂上开展小组活动,并鼓励学生们进行讨论和积极主动地去学习。


  我们也用了一种新的教学方法 — 众所周知的“翻转课堂”。这就意味着我们要求学生们在来教室上课之前先做一些材料阅读和研究,这样在课堂上我们就可以进行一些有意义的讨论,把理论付诸实践。


  当然,我们能够看出来学生们在进入教室之前是否真的有观看视频和做测试 — 这些视频和测试都在我们的学术平台Moodle上。不过课堂上的小组工作一直运行地很好,因为学生们知道,如果他们不准备,班里所有的同学都会知道。





  敬请关注下周第二部分的采访:科技在酒店教育中的应用:采访Carlo Giardinetti先生,专业人员培养计划(Professional Development Program)课程主任(第2部分)。

  关于Carlo Giardinetti先生:格里昂高等教育学院专业人员培养计划(Professional Development Program)项目主任
  Giardinetti先生23岁就开始在酒店行业工作了。他原本是一名足球运动员,一次受伤让他结束了这段职业生涯,转而进入酒店行业发展。Giardinetti先生于2002年被格里昂录取,攻读格里昂研究生文凭。在此之前,他在不同的国家、公司和部门中工作过。在即将完成研究生学位课程的时候,Giardinetti的事业开始起飞,他只用了两年的时间便从餐饮部副经理升至酒店总经理。2008年,他决定去英国曼彻斯特商学院(Manchester Business School)读MBA,在这个课程期间,Giardinetti参加了学校在日本、德国和西班牙组织的商业实践项目。在2012年欧洲杯(EURO 2012)之前,Giardinetti在乌克兰(Ukraine)短暂工作了一段时间,做酒店开业之前的筹备工作和管理酒店开业事宜。2012年Giardinetti回到格里昂,成为格里昂教师团队中的一员,随后很快就被提升为课程主任。

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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Innovation in Hospitality Education

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 26 January 2015

Innovation in Hospitality Education: an interview with Mr. Carlo Giardinetti, Professional Development Program Manager (Part 1)

Using interactive teaching methods, Mr. Giardinetti is turning the traditional teaching model on its head and turning students into active learners. As the Program Manager, he is responsible for leading the Professional Development courses which focus on the industry, such as The World of Hospitality and Tourism, Hospitality Operations Management and Principles of Tourism and Travel.

Mr. Giardinetti, you are quite popular with students. Why do you think they like your classes so much?

We’ve been introducing a lot of new tools for teaching, especially for the first-year students in the introductory courses which can be very theoretical; we are working on creating a truly interactive classroom experience.

Classroom Set-up

One of the things that we have done was to change the classroom set-up for three of our classrooms. It was a basic thing, but it created a big change. Normally, all of the classrooms were in a typical lecture set-up with desks aligned in rows, facing the front of the class. We now have three of our classrooms that are set up in islands where students sit in groups of 6 desks, facing each other. This seating structure facilitates group work and encourages discussion and active learning.

Flipped Classroom 

We have also been using a new teaching method known as the flipped classroom. It means we ask students to do some reading and research before class so that when they come to class, we can have meaningful discussions and work on putting the theory into practice.

For example, we assign the students to watch a video, read an article, or take a little quiz before coming to class.Then, when they come to class, the starting point is different. We spend 10 minutes discussing the topic and we go straight into project work.

Of course, we can see if the students are really watching the videos and doing the tests before class, using our academic platform Moodle. And the group seating works well because the students know that if they don’t prepare, all their peers in class will know it.

Independent Learning

So I’m not lecturing in class, I’m facilitating research, giving suggestions and providing resources to help students develop active learning reflexes. Passively sitting and listening in class doesn’t really work with today’s generation of students because most of them have a very short attention span. So I actually facilitate a learning experience that is self-determined and peer-motivated. It’s really about helping them gather knowledge, teaching them how and where to find information. This helps the students to become independent learners, which is highly appreciated in the industry. This has been a major change for our classroom environment and it’s working very well.

New Assessment Methods

We’ve also changed the way we evaluate student performance for some projects. Although we still have exams, we also give the students options for how they want to be assessed for project and individual work. For example, we tell them they must conduct a research project, but they have a choice on how to present their findings. So they can write a paper, make a 10 minute video, or do a presentation in class. This choice allows students in a group to use their strongest pooled talents. Realistically, some students in year one really struggle to speak in public, but they may be very good at making videos. So in a group, the students can also learn from each other if one or two of them are very strong in multimedia, or writing.

Stay tuned for the second part of this interview next week: Technology in the Classroom: an interview with Mr. Carlo Giardinetti, Professional Development Program Manager (Part 2).

About Mr. Carlo Giardinetti, Program Manager of the Professional Development Program, Glion Institute of Higher Education 
Mr. Giardinetti began working in hospitality at the age of 23, when an injury put an end to his career as a professional footballer. He worked in diverse departments, companies and countries before enrolling at Glion for the Postgraduate Diploma in 2002. Upon completion of his degree, his career took off, allowing him to rise from Assistant F&B Manager to General Hotel Manager in just two years. He decided to study MBA at Manchester Business School in the UK, in 2008 where he participated in applied business projects in Japan, Germany and Spain. He worked briefly in Ukraine before the EURO 2012 in the pre-opening and opening of hotels. He returned to Glion as a faculty member in 2012, and shortly thereafter he was promoted to the Program Manager position. 


