
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 幕后工作 — 2014年布勒校区文化盛宴

Behind the scenes – Cultural Fair Bulle 2014
幕后工作 — 2014年布勒校区文化盛宴

Sylvia Lohardjo  2014年05月22日




  在文化盛宴开始之前,在展会中提供的食物需要在展会开始前准备好,我们用宿舍里的普通厨房做了这些食物:我们做了乌督饭(nasi uduk)— 一种印度尼西亚风格的蒸饭 — 和混合型果汁。在展会开始两天前,我们将所有的蔬菜切成片炸好,这样在展会中可以把它们放到烤箱里面。展会前一天,我们做了传统的甜点果冻,还准备了水果用以制作混合果汁。文化盛宴举办当天,我们把鸡肉做熟,之后不断地搅拌,将其做成薄片。


  在举办文化盛宴的时候,我们提前两个小时进场:要挂起横幅,安置好巴厘岛的装饰和旗帜,在我们朋友们的帮助下完成这些工作。我们还在墙上展示了传统的木偶 — 被称作皮影戏或“影子木偶”。

  当活动开始的时候,我们为参观者提供了乌督饭(nasi uduk)— 用鸡肉、鸡蛋和米饭制成 — 加热后提供给我们格里昂的同学、老师和工作人员,再加上新鲜的混合型果汁。



  这个学期,文化盛宴在Raymond Jaussi宿舍举办,非常有趣。现场有大声播放的音乐、美食、和少量的酒。图片来源:SGA

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Behind the scenes – Cultural Fair Bulle 2014

by Sylvia Lohardjo 22 May 2014

This semester, I had the pleasure of being one of the volunteers for the Indonesian stand in the Cultural Fair, which takes place on the Bulle campus of Glion. The stand leader was my friend Cynthia from semester 4. There were three main parts to creating this event experience: to contact the Indonesian embassy in Switzerland, to plan and prepare the food and to set up the decoration.

First, I’d like to thank our contacts at the Indonesian embassy for helping us and providing us with the traditional clothes and decorations.

Preparing Indonesian food

The food was assembled before the cultural fair and we used the common kitchen in the dorm. We decided to prepare nasi uduk – an Indonesian style steamed rice dish – and fruit punch. Two days before the event, we fried all the vegetable fritters so we could put them in the oven during the fair. The day before the fair, we cooked the traditional dessert jelly and prepared the fruit in order to make the fruit punch. On the day itself, we cooked the chicken and we had to swirl it to make thin slices.

Setting up the stand

At the cultural fair itself, we came in 2 hours before the event in order to put up the banners, Balinese decoration, and flags with the help of our friends. We also put the traditional puppets – called wayang kulit or “shadow puppets” – on the wall.
When the event got started, we served the nasi uduk – which we made with chicken, egg and rice – by heating it all up before serving to our fellow Glion students, staff and faculty, with the fresh fruit punch.

How it went..

This semester, the cultural fair was held in the Raymond Jaussi dorm and it was fun. There was loud music, food, a bit of alcohol. Photo credits: SGA


