
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 酒店和金融:密切相关

Hospitality and Finance: A close relationship







  从个人经历来说,我可以证明我是从一个极端走到了另一个极端。我在我学业的最后才明白数字和比率是这个行业中制定决策的唯一依据。实际上,酒店行业以人为导向并且应该是利润颇丰的;因此,知识管理(Knowledge Management)、运营创新(Operational Innovation)和精算(Lean)这类专业知识都可以作为酒店和金融之间的知识填充,使得提供给决策者的数据资料更直观、更容易地被运用到不同部门的决策中。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Hospitality and Finance: A close relationship

by Alumni     31 May 2013

For a first article, I thought it was a good opportunity to talk about the strong link that exists between two fields that are often considered as being opposed to each other. Furthermore, it is also a chance for me to introduce my job and the reason that has motivated me to choose that path.

During my studies at GIHE I was sharing like many other students the hatred of the accounting and finance classes that were taught to us over the semesters. Always wondering why and how I could use the financial formulas and principles in an industry that is mainly based on service and people, I kept on thinking that it wouldn’t be of any help in my future career.

The truth is that we should have all wondered how can we look credible and make our point if we are not even able to read the financial statements that will reflect the action we took. Nowadays, information technology and software make it possible for us to get accurate figures about our business in real time, but what matters are the components that enable the different systems to generate trustworthy reports. Therefore, I believe that knowledge about financial statements, reporting and basic ratios is required for those that aim to become managers in an industry, like any other, which seeks profitability and return on investment.

Moreover, we shouldn’t forget that hospitality is a particular industry as it is mostly about people and how we can fulfill their needs better. The importance of the human service in that field makes it look like numerical data cannot be part of the equation, but in fact, like any other industry, hospitality needs accountants, financial analysts and directors of finance who will gather, analyze, summarize and provide data that will enable the management team to optimize the product and make the right decisions.

The reason why myself and others chose a finance management program after GIHE is in direct correlation with the industry needs in terms of workforce. Decades ago, when tourism was enjoying its exponential growth, finance was mostly seen as a tool to “manage and maximize profits” whereas today it is the first instrument that helps managers to review the impact of their decisions and enlighten them for future action.

From personal experience, I can testify that I went from one extreme to another. Thinking at the end of my studies that numbers and ratios should be the only components needed to take decisions in this industry. In fact, the truth is that our business is people-oriented and should be profitable; therefore, Knowledge Management (KM), Operational Innovation and Lean are the kind of tools that can bridge the gap between hospitality and finance to bring harmony and variety in the information given to decision makers.

It is hard to say if the relationship between hospitality and finance is stronger or weaker than with any other industry but it is obviously more complicated and subtle to determine and I strongly believe that those who know how to manage and combine both efficiently will become the successful ones.


