
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂的第一个烹饪俱乐部

Glion’s first Cooking Club

Ludovica Polotti   2015年5月29日

  我一直都对食物非常感兴趣,尤其是吃。关于我这个爱好的形成,我在意大利成长的文化背景以及我的家人在都起到了非常重要的作用。几年前,我开始独立生活,出于照顾自己饮食的需要,我开始自己做饭,然后我发现自己对烹饪有巨大的热情,我尤其喜欢为别人烹饪美味的食物。烹饪的时候,我感到非常的放松和愉悦。于我而言,烹饪意味着沟通的开端:与朋友或家人共进午餐或晚餐的意义绝不仅仅是填饱肚子,实际上,我相信这还意味着我们共度美好时光,分享对彼此的爱以及共同享用美食。烹饪过程关乎某种精神层面上的东西 — 你在亲手烹制食物,这些食物会让你爱的人开心。我怎么能不爱烹饪!?


  烹饪俱乐部在第二学期从非常早的阶段就开始筹备了,运营地十分成功。格里昂学校的厨师Parmentier先生和Diedier先生为”蒙特勒爵士音乐节“(Montreux Jazz)设计了厨房样本,烹饪俱乐部就是基于这个样本建立的。还有其他老师:Herbin先生、Nicolot先生和Besnard先生等等,如果没有他们,这个项目不可能做成功。所有这些老师都帮助我设计了更出色的食谱,在俱乐部运营的各方面的理念上也都给予我很多指导。当我确定下来这个俱乐部的发展图景之后,我立即开始做广告宣传,最后,所有的努力都得到了非常丰盛的回报。


  最后,我想再一次的表达我的感谢,上面提到的所有老师、我的项目指导老师Cavin夫人、学生处、在俱乐部讨论会中帮助过我的所有的志愿者们、摄影师Nathan Ducarme、负责我们厨师制服清洁的家政员、来自贝尔维尤(Bellevue)和酒店管理专业的服务工作者、所有的厨师和其他所有帮助我把这个俱乐部成功运营起来的人:谢谢你们!

  更多图片可点击此链接搜寻:Cooking Club Facebook page.

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion’s first Cooking Club

by Ludovica Polotti 29 May 2015

I have always been interested in food, mostly in eating it. My culture, Italian, and my family played a very important role in this. A few years ago, I started living on my own and the necessity of feeding myself let me discover a great passion for cooking, especially cooking for others. Relaxing and exciting at the same time, cooking represents for me the beginning of a moment of communion. Having a lunch or dinner with friends or family is not only about filling our stomachs. In fact, I believe it’s about sharing time and love, for each other and for food. The process of cooking is something that fills the spirit, as you are making something with your own hands that will make someone you love happy. How could I not love it!?

In my first semester at Glion, I missed having a kitchen. Experimenting and creating was my bread and butter. For this reason, as soon as I was given the chance to create my own project as a Campus Life Leader in semester two, I decided to start a Cooking Club. The aim was to share my passion for the magic of cooking with others.

The club started quite early in the semester and it was a great success. It was based in the demo kitchen “Montreux Jazz” which was kindly offered by the chefs of the school, Mr Parmentier and Mr Diedier. Without them and other teachers, like Mr Herbin, Mr Nicolot and Mr Besnard, this project wouldn’t have been possible. All these teachers helped me to improve my recipes and the overall concept of the club. Once I established how I wanted it to be, I started the advertisement and at the end of the day all the effort paid off very well.

From the first session on the 21st of February, things went perfectly every time. Almost every Saturday, more than ten people were happy to meet and discover new recipes. The club was mostly based on Italian cuisine, however sessions about cocktail and food pairing, or the British afternoon tea also contributed to make this experience extraordinary. Each session was based on the participants. They were the chefs; I was only there to support in case they needed me. Once they had their small welcome package and the recipes of the day, the games would begin. Baking and chopping and much more was happening in that little cosy kitchen that seemed like a home for a few hours a week. It was a great experience for everyone and I sincerely hope someone will keep it alive in the next semesters, because “Cooking is love made visible”.

Finally, I would like to thank once again all the teachers mentioned above, my project supervisor Mrs Cavin, the Students Affairs Department, all the volunteers that helped me during each session, the photographer Nathan Ducarme, the housekeeping staff for the uniforms, the service staff from Bellevue and HAD, all the chefs and all the other people that helped me make this club possible.

For more pictures, check out the  Cooking Club Facebook page.


