
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 互联网和社交网站的力量

The Power of Internet and social networks




  与此同时,我经营着我自己的公司,但是我没有用任何Facebook粉丝网页或领英(Linkedin)页面来提高公司的知名度。你问我为什么要这样做?我尊重客户期望得到的自由裁量权,并且直到现在,公司的口碑更加牢固,也赋予了客户更大的选择余地。从另一方面来说,我不能说如果我再开一家新公司我仍然不会用网站或社交网站大力宣传。这些都要取决于你的目标市场,取决于你想把你的产品或服务与多少人分享。并且管理社交网站是需要花费大量时间的。看看相关的工作数目的增加以及公司中对网络社区管理人员的需求增加就知道了。格里昂也利用互联网的力量设立了酒店管理在线MBA课程 — 世界上第一批在线MBA课程之一、记录网络在线研讨会、举办业界领袖和学生、老师现场交流会和互动研讨会。

  请观看最近的现场交流会!主题为”当今行业内的挑战(Challenges in today’s industry)“


Olivia Prangey Amzalag

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

The Power of Internet and social networks

by Alumni    14 November 2013

For my first article as a blogger, I have decided to talk about the internet and how it has become essential in our daily life. I studied at Glion and graduated in 2000. At that time, we had the first internet connections provided by the school in our rooms, no wireless connection of course, and no idea about smart phones!

I remember when we had to do our feasibility study and find documentation, how hard it was to get information easily from the Web. More than thirteen years later, we use the internet for whatever we do: for our work, to do research, read articles, to stay in contact with our friends or family, to book hotel rooms, flights, share pictures and so on. With the raise of social networks such as Facebook, Linkedin, Tweeter or Pinterest, the list is endless; companies are now able to communicate world-wide and relay information instantly. Like many people, I use some of these networks for my work or my private life. For example, being in charge of the Alumni French Chapter, I created a Facebook group for the Parisian Glion & Les Roches Alumni to communicate about news and events organized. It is also a platform where Alumni can post job openings, make requests for finding a supplier, conduct surveys and interact with other Alumni. Linkedin, as we all know, is also a great tool for professional networking and finding a job.

At the same time, I run my company but do not have any Facebook fan page or Linkedin page to promote my company. Why would you ask me? I respect the discretion my clients expect from me and until now, word of mouth has been stronger and more selective. On the other hand, I cannot say that if I open a new business I will not have a powerful presence on the Web and social networks. It all depends on the target market and how many people you want to share your products or services with. And it takes a lot of time to feed the networks. Just look at the increase of job-related opportunities and Community Managers in companies. Glion has understood the power of internet by launching one of the first online Hospitality MBAs, recording webinars and organizing live streaming and interactive workshop between industry leaders, students and faculty.

Watch the last live stream event about Challenges in today’s industry!

We could discuss the pros and cons of internet and social networks for hours; but certainly for me, I couldn’t live disconnected!

Olivia Prangey Amzalag


