
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 向你抛来橄榄枝的工作!

The Job that chooses you!

Karim Mostafa     2013年5月24日


  那天是凯宾斯基(Kempinski)在瑞士日内瓦的招聘日,在进入面试房间之前,我和我最好的朋友看到了一家凯宾斯基酒店的图画,并且还嘲笑上面的文字:”想象如果我们中有人在这儿工作”。轮到我面试的时候,面试官是集团的COO首席运营官。在听到他列举的可能安排我去的工作地点之后,那些地方甚至都让我无法在脸上挤出一丝微笑。我努力搜索着是否有比这些地方“更好的”地区。最终面试官做出决定后,集团的首席执行官立即在任职书上签了字。”Karim,祝贺你!你马上就要去吉布提(Djibouti)工作了。”老实说,我甚至都不知道吉布提在哪儿!事实上这是一个非常小的国家,位于非洲之角东海岸,被索马里(Somalia)、埃塞俄比亚(Ethiopia)、和Eriteria这几个国家环绕。于是我收拾包裹,登陆非洲去担任电子商务和市场部协调专员。充满讽刺意味地,猜猜当时我嘲笑的那张图画是哪里的 … 正是吉布提(Djibouti)!

  我在那里工作了一年,当升迁或求职的季节又来临的时候,我做选择了吗?我唯一做的选择就是拒绝了市场部的升职机会,离开了吉布提,在这里工作确实是一段很精彩的经历,不过一年的时间也足够了。又一次到了凯宾斯基(Kempinski)在阿联酋阿布达比(Abu Dhabi, UAE)的招聘日,从吉布提飞往那里的旅途困难不断,我所乘坐的航班之前有一班曾在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴(Addis Ababa)失事。但是不管怎样,我终于还是准时到达阿布达比继续我在凯宾斯基集团的事业生涯。这次的场景和去年极其相似,我直接同酋长国宫殿酒店(Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi)签订合同,担任集团销售部协调专员,我兴奋的不行,大脑不住地在想:我要搬到阿联酋了!

  由于政治局势,我从来没有成功地在该地区获得过工作许可,在又一次无功而返之后我觉得自己一无所有,虽然很多事情已经以我所期望的方式出现,但是貌似没有一件事成功了。我后来与凯宾斯基在沙特阿拉伯阿尔科巴尔(Khobar, Saudi Arabia)的即将开业的酒店签订了合同,虽然我并不对此感到有什么高兴,因为我并没有意愿在沙特阿拉伯这样的国家工作,但是我还是安安分分地去那里工作了,因为我别无它选。




英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

The Job that chooses you!

by Karim Mostafa   24 May 2013

When I look back at my Glion Ambassador Video from my graduating year I laugh at how I thought things would be and how things actually turned up. You would hear me saying “I see myself doing a Front Office Management Training in either New York or Tokyo” which initially was my plan. But you never know what life hides for you. I didn’t choose my job, it chose me!

At Kempinski Regional Career day in Geneva, Switzerland, before going in the interview room, my best friend and I saw a picture of one of the properties and were mocking it. “Imagine if one of us ends up there”. Once my time came, I was interviewed by the company COO, and as he started putting down destinations that did not put a smile on my face, I kept fishing for a “cooler” place, till the decision was taken and the paper was immediately signed by the company’s CEO. “Karim, congratulations! You are going to Djibouti“. To be honest, I didn’t even know where Djibouti was! In fact, it is a very small country in the Horn of Africa on the eastern coast by Somalia, Ethiopia, and Eriteria. So I packed my bags and landed in Africa as eCommerce & Marketing Coordinator. Ironically guess where that picture I was mocking was… Djibouti!

I worked there for a year and when it was time to move on, time to find a job again, did I chose it? The only thing I chose was not to take a promotion in Marketing and leave Djibouti as it was a great experience but one year was enough for it. Again Kempinski Regional Career day in Abu Dhabi, UAE and a combat to fly from Djibouti to there, where at some point one of my flights crashed in the Ethiopian Capital of Addis Ababa, but no matter what, I still managed to get myself in Abu Dhabi in time to continue my career with the Company.  Same concept like the previous year, as I directly signed a contract with Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi for Group Sales Coordinator, and could not be more excited. My mind was set, I was moving to the UAE.

Due to a political situation, I never managed to get my working permit and once again I was finding myself with nothing, though many things came my way, nothing seemed to work out. I have later on signed a contract for the opening property of Kempinski in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, even though I was really not thrilled about it as I had no wishes to work in a country like Saudi Arabia, but I made my peace with it as I had no other options.

After enjoying a one month holiday traveling the corners of the world, I got an email that the hotel’s opening was delayed and I should wait another month or so. As I could not stay around doing nothing for one more month, I managed to get a one month internship within the company at the property in Geneva and managed to learn and experience something new while staying at home. Once the training finished and getting ready to move to Saudi Arabia for this new beginning, once again, the hotel opening was delayed for a much longer period. (By now you must be pretty lost, which was exactly my case).

After two weeks of doubts and not knowing how things were going to be, you ask yourself a million questions, am I on the right path? Is this what I really wanna do? Should I go do masters? Should I go finish my pilot licence?  Should I just move to Australia? Until eventually things do get back to normal and a job chooses you. I got a call to be a Sales Executive still for Kempinski at their property in Bahrain. Five days after signing my contract I landed in Bahrain! I am now a Sales Executive in charge of the Gulf and the Middle East countries from Kuwait to Oman passing by Qatar and the UAE. Honestly, I could not think of a better job for me.

I can clearly see now how I expected things to be and how different things really are, but does that mean that they are worse? No, in my case I think they are better. When you feel that you are lost, you cannot find a job, or maybe you cannot find THE dream job, keep looking and do not give up because something better might come along!  I still do want to move to New York & Tokyo at some point, but for now the job that chose me is right here in Bahrain.


