
#GHEAC#[学校新闻] 奢侈品行业的未来&来自理学硕士研讨会的其它观点

The Future of Luxury & Other Insights from the MSc Conference

  格里昂高等教育学院        2015年3月16日

  3月10日,周二,格里昂高等教育学院举办了理学硕士研讨会,会议主题是“奢侈品,生活的艺术”,与会者是国际酒店管理财务理学硕士专业(Master of Science (MSc) in International Hospitality Finance)的学生们。探讨会举办地点在布勒校区,这次研讨会的发言人来自四个奢侈品相关企业,且研讨会中间还有一次茶歇,这些都是本次研讨会的特色。


  格里昂研究生院院长Lyn Glanz博士;国际酒店管理财务理学硕士课程主任Pia Huh女士;学术活动和会展活动主任Jo Schofield女士;学术课程创新和执行主任Paul Chappel女士;学生就业、行业关系和校友关系主任Fabienne Rollandin女士;以及为此次研讨会提供设施支持的旅游专业教授Claudio Zucco先生,在此向你们表达深深的感谢和崇高的敬意。也感谢研究生学生们,你们负责组织这次研讨会,保证了会议的顺利运行,还准备了午餐;尤其感谢学术活动和会展活动助理Felicia Ngaka女士。


  首先发表演讲的是SmartShapes公司代表,这是瑞士一家新创立的企业,专做3D打印。这家公司的联合创办人Pierre-Frederic Von Kaenel和Yves Moser博士向我们介绍了他们年轻的公司,并给我们上了一节速成课,教授我们他们3D生产的方法,他们用这些方法为奢侈手表、航空设备和汽车设备打印金属材料。



  接下来发言的是Patrick Cettier博士,这位博士在2014年成立了职业洞察SA公司,这是一家咨询公司,为个人职业发展的战略规划提供咨询建议。Cettier博士的发言重点讲述了个人在“奢侈品事业”中的职业发展和成长潜力。要在这个行业取得成功,Cettier博士提出了三个关键点:建立一个良好的人脉关系网,有迷人的个性和品质(需是很明显别人也可以学到的),勤奋工作。勤奋工作会让你有一个积极的个人形象,并且在行业内建立良好的人脉关系。通过勤奋工作,毕业生们将会看到他们的工作“价值”上升。



  Wealth-X是领先的销售智能分析门户网站,其业务范围包括财富管理、私人银行业务、多户家族理财室和奢侈品行业的业务,为其提供最精确的、综合性最强的、最相关的和最及时的信息。Wealth-X在此次研讨会上的展示重点是现在全球超高净值人士(Ultra High Net Worth Individuals)的数量正在不断上升;对他们的个人履历、消费习惯以及最重要的 — 他们的日常工作和社交习惯做了分析。很明显,在这些超高净值人士身上存在一些相同的特质,正是这些特质使一个人获得真正的成功。



  在我们最后一位嘉宾做展示之前,人们可能会好奇:这种高科技会和奢侈品行业产生什么联系?我们的最后一位嘉宾是来自S3公司(瑞士太空系统(Swiss Space System))的Julien de Mûelenaere先生。


  零重力航班的机票现在已经可以预定,太空旅行的航班机票可能要等到2018年才可以预定。由于这次的零重力飞行体验还会为每位乘客配备一枚百年灵(Breitling)计时腕表,每一枚腕表都要耗费几千瑞士法郎,因此太空飞行在设计概念的定位就是豪华旅游市场。更多关于新的太空探险的信息请点击:www.s-3.ch。更多关于这场活动的信息请点击:click here

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The Future of Luxury & Other Insights from the MSc Conference

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 16 March 2015

On Tuesday, March 10th, Glion Institute of Higher Education hosted the MSc Conference “Luxury, the Art of Living” for the  Master of Science (MSc) in International Hospitality Finance program. Held on the Bulle campus, the conference featured speakers from four luxury-related businesses and a networking coffee.

This MSc conference presented luxury as a changing and growing lifestyle concept with a focus on innovation, consumers and careers.

A huge thank-you and hats-off to Dr. Lyn Glanz, the Dean of the Graduate School; Ms. Pia Huh, Program Leader for the MSc; Ms. Jo Schofield, the Head of Academic Activities & Events; Mr. Paul Chappel, the Head of Academic Product Innovation and Initiatives; Ms. Fabienne Rollandin, Director Career, Industry & Alumni Relations; and Mr. Claudio Zucco, Professor of Tourism for facilitating the conference. And thank you to the postgraduate students who organized the event operations and lunch; in particular, Ms. Felicia Ngaka, Academic Activities & Events Assistant.

3D Printing in Metal for Absolute Personalization

First up was SmartShapes,, a Swiss start-up that specializes in 3D printing. The company co-founders Pierre-Frederic Von Kaenel and and Dr. Yves Moser introduced us to their young company and gave us a little crash course in 3D production methods that they are using to “print” metal pieces for luxury watches, aeronautics and automobiles.

In a nutshell, 3D printing involves layering metal powder and using a laser to melt the powder, building a design layer by layer. The advantages of 3D printing are: it is faster, it can produce pieces that cannot be made using traditional methods and it reduces the amount of raw material that is lost. We left with some questions to ponder: Will customization be the future of luxury goods? Would the luxury consumer be willing to wait 3 days for their customized watch? Only time will tell.

Luxury Industry Careers with CareerInsights

Next up was Dr. Patrick Cettier, who founded CareerInsight SA in 2014 as a consulting company which provides advisory services for strategic career development. His presentation focused mainly on the potential for growth and personal development in what might be called a “luxury career”. Dr. Cettier put forth three keys to success: build a good network, have an attractive personality (which apparently can be learned), and commit yourself to hard work. By working hard, generating a positive image and building good relationships within the industry, graduates will see their career “worth” grow.

If you are looking for career insights, visit the website: www.careerinsights.ch

The Real Value of Luxury Goods and Services

Wealth-X is the leading sales intelligence portal providing the most accurate, comprehensive, relevant and timely information for the wealth management, private banking, multi-family office and luxury brand industries. This presentation focused on the growing number of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals in the world; their profiles, spending habits and most importantly, their common work and social habits. Apparently, the UHNWIs share some common traits that can make one truly successful.

To see this very interesting and useful report for yourself, check it out here: http://www.worldultrawealthreport.com/home.php

Space Tourism: The Luxury Flight of the Future?

Before the presentation by our final guest, Mr. Julien de Mûelenaere, of Swiss Space System (S3), one might have wondered what exactly this high tech concept had to do with luxury.

The objective of the S3 group is to develop, build, certify, and operate suborbital shuttles for the deployment of satellites up to 250 kg (so-called small satellites). The technology will ultimately allow for manned high-speed (yes, up in space!) travel between continents. In the meantime, S3 is offering Zero-Gravity Experience onboard a private modified Airbus.

Tickets for the Zero-G flights are already available for purchase, while the space shuttle trips may become available as soon as 2018. As the zero gravity experience includes a Breitling watch as a ticket and costs several thousand CHF in Party Zone (economy) this concept clearly aims for the luxury tourism market. Check out the new space adventure:www.s-3.ch
For more pictures of the event,click here.


