
#GHEAC#[瑞士校园] 格里昂的学生们在奢侈品盛会中做志愿者

Glion students volunteer at luxury event

  格里昂高等教育学院    2014年09月18日

  格里昂酒店管理专业学生在日内瓦奢侈品购买区举办的第六届年度Vendanges de la rue du Rhone盛会中做志愿者。

Les Vendanges de la Rue du Rhone是品酒和奢侈品购物盛会,每年举办一次,今年是第六届,9月4日在日内瓦举办,当天有60多名格里昂学生在活动现场做志愿者工作。酒店管理专业学位课程的学生们在第1学期和第3学期有应用学习课程,学生们会参加或服务于一些盛大活动,这是他们应用学习课程的一部分内容。例如,参加或服务于品酒会,做招待客人的工作,帮助完成整场活动的运营类工作。

Les Vendanges de la Rue du Rhone是一场一流的晚宴活动,与会者们可以品尝到当地葡萄酒和特色美食,同时还可以在日内瓦奢侈品牌精品店中购物。这项盛事由 Côte杂志精心策划,有超过60家奢侈品精品店以及mini-jazz管弦乐队等街头音乐家参加。

  这项盛事完美呈现了奢侈品牌管理和酒店管理之间密切的联系。“奢侈品牌已经加强了其服务工作,比如说,现在买一个奢侈品包会被看做是一次体验。现在在奢侈品牌中,购买体验开始迎合客户的需求和期望,而这些正是酒店行业专业人士的强项。为了迎合这种需求,我们也正在开发奢侈品牌管理课程 。”格里昂校长侯嘉惠如是说。学术创新项目负责人Paul Chappel还表示:“我坚信我们的毕业生在这个领域拥有更宽阔的视野,因为他们学校学习期间就已经接受过高水平的服务和管理标准训练,这正是从事奢侈品行业所需要的,并且灵活变通的软技能也让他们在奢侈品领域对雇主具有独特的吸引力。”

  很明显,越来越多的人都意识到了:在各种不同的场合中,接待技巧都是一项重要的技能,如奢侈品精品店老板Daniel Benjamin所说:“这是第一次有酒店专业学生参与。在此之前,客户服务方面的工作都是由葡萄酒生产商兼顾的。从基层工作中学习以及从基层开始是理解整个商业运营和整个工作流程的最好方式。因为这之后你再领导你的团队或员工的时候就会知道要对他们讲些什么了。”


  在这次盛会上,Glion的学生利用自己的软技能进行沟通、为客人提供更好的服务。对酒类知识的学习是格里昂餐饮课程的一部分,因而这次活动使学生们在餐饮方面的基础知识也得以拓宽。最重要的是,这场活动也让学生们增加了在奢华环境下工作的经验:在这样的环境中,贵宾对服务质量和整体的体验有着很高的期望。在采访中,格里昂学生Georgie Boden确信这次经历加强了学生们的自信心,在与不同的利益相关方沟通方面也变得更加得心应手,同时还拓展了学生们对酒类知识的掌握。



更多活动照片请点击:photo album Les Vendanges de Genève.
更多酒店管理专业信息请点击:Hospitality Management Degrees

英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Glion students volunteer at luxury event

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 18 September 2014

Glion hospitality management students lent a hand at the 6th annual Vendanges de la rue du Rhone event in Geneva’s luxury shopping district.

More than 60 Glion students volunteered at Geneva’s 6th annual wine-tasting and luxury shopping event, Les Vendanges de la Rue du Rhone on September 4th. As a part of their applied learning curriculum, students from the hospitality management degree program semesters 1 and 3 put their practical skills into use by presenting and serving wine, greeting guests, and assisting with the operational tasks of the event.

Les Vendanges de la Rue du Rhone is a classy evening event where visitors have a chance to taste regional wines and gourmet food while shopping in the luxury brand boutiques in Geneva. Orchestrated by Côte Magazine, this unique event is supported by more than 60 boutiques and also features musicians and mini-jazz orchestras playing in the street.

This event is yet another example of the strong relationship between luxury brand management and hospitality management. “As luxury brands have enhanced their services, buying a luxury bag, for instance, is now being considered an experience. Now the buying experience comes down to accommodating the customer and their expectations and this is something hospitality professionals know how to do. This is also why we’re developing a luxury brand management course in order to meet this demand,” explains Judy Hou, CEO of Glion. Paul Chappel, Head of Academic Product Innovation and Initiatives, also said, “I strongly believe our graduates have brilliant perspectives in this sector because during their studies they are trained in high-level service and management standards which luxury industry requires,” and “their transferrable soft skills are particularly attractive to employers working in the luxury sector.”

Clearly, there is a growing awareness of the value of hospitality skills in different markets, as boutique owner Daniel Benjamin said “This is the 1st year we have students from hospitality education. Before, it was the wine makers who were taking care of the service,” and “to learn and start from the rock-bottom is the best way to understand the business and work, because later, you know what you are talking about to your team or employees.”

During this event, the Glion students used their soft skills in communication and customer service, and developed their Food & Beverage knowledge base, as wine studies is a part of the Intro to F&B course. Most importantly, the event gave students the opportunity to gain experience in a luxury environment where VIP guests had high expectations for the service quality and overall experience. When asked, student Georgie Boden confirmed that this experience developed the students’: “Confidence, ability to speak different stakeholders and their knowledge about wines.”

For the merchants, vineyard owners and other stakeholders, the event was qualified as an “amazing evening” and a “really good initiative, nice atmosphere and different way to promote our new collections launch.” It also raised awareness for the regional wines and restaurants in an agreeably posh atmosphere.

We congratulate the students on their outstanding performance during the event, and thank the faculty for facilitating Glion’s participation in this event which was an amazing opportunity to raise awareness about hospitality education and network with luxury brand management professionals.

Check out the pictures on our Flickr photo album Les Vendanges de Genève.
Learn more about the Hospitality Management Degrees.


