
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:格里昂精神

The Glion Spirit



  格里昂精神在你第一次站在格里昂停车场环望四周令人驻足的美景时便已诞生。你来到格里昂的第一天,你感受到自己的心跳;你的母亲流泪,因为她要把自己的孩子留在这个如此特别的地方,而你却已迫不及待想要独立自主地生活、和你的新室友见面。格里昂精神从这些时刻开始:你看到引人入胜的美景以及知道自己即将融入一个新环境时感受到的兴奋 — 不仅是开始一段新的教育经历,更是开启一种新的生活方式。格里昂和格里昂精神让你为真实的生活、为从格里昂毕业之后的生活做好准备,即使你还没有意识到这一点。

  学校的规定、班级和餐厅的纪律、穿套装、每天保持仪容整洁以及优秀的学术教授们都会让你相信通过在这里学习你可以做到任何事情。尤其是课堂之外的生活,让格里昂如此特别并构成了格里昂精神的基础。和来自世界各地的同学们住在一栋大楼里面(也可能到毕业时一共住过两栋或三栋大楼),且这些同学都有不同的信仰、不同的背景、不同的传统和文化。大家共同分享欢乐和泪水,一起学习一起生活并相互学习其他同学的长处,这样就打开了每一位格里昂学生看世界的视野。在格里昂的经历会教会你与其他人共同分享想法、语言、文化并包容差异。无论你喜欢与否,你们都共生活、同呼吸。(这张照片拍摄于2003年 — 第一学期,我正在参加厨房培训课程)



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
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     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

The Glion Spirit

by Alumni   11 September 2013

Every Alumni will say that they have “The Glion Spirit”, but for people that have not gone to Glion it is incredibly hard to explain what the Glion Spirit actually stands for.

The Glion Spirit comes to life when you first stand on the parking lot in Glion and you look out to the beautifully stunning view. It is your first day and your heart is pounding; your mom is crying because it is such a special place where she is leaving her child and you cannot wait to be on your own and meet your new roommate.  That is when it starts, the magic of the view and the excitement of knowing that you are going to be part of something, of not just an education, but of a lifestyle. Glion and the Glion Spirit prepare you for real life, life after Glion, even though you do not realize this yet.

The rules of the school, the discipline in class and the restaurants, wearing a suit, looking presentable each day, the great academic professors that make you believe you can do anything and especially the life outside of the classroom is what makes Glion so special and builds the foundation of the Glion Spirit. Living in one building (or probably two or three by the end) with people from all over the world, all with different religions, backgrounds, traditions and culture. Having fun together, being sad together, studying together, living together and learning from each other opens every Glionnais’ eyes to the world. It teaches you to be open to other people’s thoughts, languages, cultures and accept differences. You live together, you breathe together, whether you like it or not.  (PICTURE – subtitle; This picture was taken in 2003 – my first semester doing Kitchen Training)

As a leader and individual this has helped me understand people better later in my career, opened my mind to the world, and not just my world. It has made me realize that my truth was not always true and that you are stronger when listening. Being open to innovative suggestions and ideas, working together as a team and listening to where people are coming from.

I believe this is the reason why Glion Alumni are so successful in their future careers and as leaders; not just because of the great academic program, but because of the Glion Spirit. Indescribable and forever.


