
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂校友分享:谁拥有正确的互联网定价策略?

Who has the right internet pricing strategy?

Philippe Anric  2013年11月14日


  一种主张,酒店认为“必须”为所有客户免费提供这项服务,可以通过把网络覆盖到所有的客房和公共区域让所有客户都享受到这个服务。无论他们是想让客户接受这样一个现代/高科技信息 — ”我们知道您的需求,我们免费为您提供“亦或是只是打算通过使用市场工具用这个免费附加价值削弱竞争对手的竞争力,而免费附加价值是客户选择一家酒店而不是另一家酒店的关键因素和主要原因。

  另一种主张,酒店选择收费。互联网收入可以支持硬件投资成本,每月的宽带费,相关的年度合同续约费用,并且在某些情况下高于收支平衡点的额外收入还可以弥补过去这些年电话收入的降低(因为大部分客人都使用手机或者P2P通讯软件)。一些酒店品牌将两者结合起来 — 对客人宣称提供免费WIFI,但是把网络费用均摊到了房费里面。


  在建设酒店时所有这些网络建设成本就简单地作为住房部的额外成本吗?还是应该被看做是为后期产生盈利所做的投资?— 如果后期可以产生盈利的话。已经有一些指标显示每个人在网络上花费的时间正在逐年递增,高清晰度文件越来越普遍,大部分报纸媒体在网络媒介的冲击下正在丢失市场份额,连电视机生产商也在尝试着把互联网应用进来作为他们下一代产品(智能电视)。变革正在进行,并且很明显没有什么可以阻挡这次”互联网海啸“。


英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Who has the right internet pricing strategy?

by Philippe Anric  14 November 2013

There is a passionate debate raging amongst the top hospitality companies on what the right internet pricing strategy should be.

On one side, you have companies suggesting it’s a ‘must’ to provide this service on complimentary basis to all clients, by covering all guest rooms and public areas. Either they want to put across a modern / high-tech message to the clientele that says “we know what you need and we provide it for free” or simply they use this marketing tool to undercut the competition with free added value which corporate clients deem critical, and can be a major reasons to choose one hotel over another.

On the other side, you have companies who charge fees. Internet revenue covers the cost of the hardware investment, the monthly broadband fee, the related annual maintenance contract , and in some cases, the extra collected above the breakeven point covers the loss monitored over the past years on telephone revenue (since most clients use mobile phones or peer-to-peer communication software). A few brands have combined both positions by announcing a free WIFI, but building an internet allocation fee into the rates (common practices especially for corporate rates). 

Others have tried to provide basic internet free of charge, with an option to receive high speed broadband connection at an additional charge. The proverb says ‘You can run, you can’t hide’; operating hotels with poor WIFI coverage will end up with a lot of complaints and maybe their customers will leave. Corporate clients need an efficient signal to be able to read their e-mails and connect their smartphone from any place in your hotel during their stay. But not just them: the whole family wants to be able to connect their tablets and smartphones to chat online, watch videos, share photos, and update their blogs.  When we look at the cost of cabling a brand new building to provide internet inclusive of: servers, firewalls, licenses and maintenance costs, the question must be asked about whether this service will be charged to the guest or not? 

Will all these e-set-up costs simply be considered as an extra expense to include in the cost of the room when building the hotel? Or should they be considered as an investment to generate revenue, if possible? A few indicators already show that the average time spent per individual on the web is growing year after year, High Definition files are more and more available, most of the newspapers are losing market shares against e-channels, and television manufacturer are trying to integrate internet into their next generation products (Smart TVs). The revolution is ongoing and obviously nothing can stop the e-tsunami.

But the question remains the same: do you want your guest to pay for access to the largest communication tool in the world?


