
#GHEAC#[英国校园] 格里昂学生分享:伦敦的不同之处

The London Difference

  格里昂高等教育学院      2015年6月9日

  当格里昂学生来到伦敦的时候,无论是做一个学期的课程体验还是在这里读整个课程,他们经常会感到惊讶:格里昂伦敦校区和瑞士校区有如此大的区别!Yvette Liu在格里昂就读酒店管理文学学士(BA in Hospitality)课程,她在这个课程的第4学期转到格里昂伦敦校区以期获得不同的体验,并且她体验到了!在这次采访中,她和我们分享了她最喜欢格里昂伦敦校区的地方以及罗汉普顿大学(Roehampton)为格里昂伦敦校区的学生提供的活动和机会。









  伦敦是世界上最大的国际化都市之一,在格里昂伦敦校区学习对学生们来说是一个非常好的机会 — 你可以在这个国际大都市中历练;格里昂伦敦校区是伦敦唯一一个瑞士大学的校区。


  格里昂精神意味着:在这所学校,无论是你在伦敦校区还是瑞士校区,格里昂人都会相互照应。同学们之间会建立终生的友谊 — 来这里读书是对未来的投资。


  学校里有非常多有趣的活动,通过这些活动我们既可以结识格里昂学校的人也可以结识罗汉普顿大学(Roehampton)的学生。两个学校学生共同参加的联谊活动(如图所示)是我最喜欢的活动之一,这个活动旨在让罗汉普顿大学的全体教员和学生们都参与进来,并且在每一天的校园生活中继续保持两个大学之间的友好友谊。两个学校之间还有一片露天区域,这片区域由两个学校共享,这里有一家名为“蜂房和自行车中心”(Hive and a bike hub)的咖啡店,人们可以来这里修理自行车或买卖自己的自行车。这里就像一个小型的社区。午休时间可以在这里边晒太阳边享用一顿有机午餐,这是一件十分惬意的事。



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The London Difference

by Glion Institute of Higher Education 9 June 2015

When Glion students go to London, either for a semester or for the full-program, they are often surprised by how different the Glion London campus is from the Swiss campuses. Yvette Liu was in her 4th semester of the BA in Hospitality when she transferred to Glion London looking for a different experience, and she got it! In this interview, she shares the things she likes best about Glion London and the activities and opportunities offered through the University of Roehampton.

First name: Yvette
Last name: Liu
Nationality: Taiwan
Program: Hospitality Management
Semester: 4th

1.Why did you choose to study in London, UK?

I chose to take a semester in London because I would like to experience as much as possible during my studies at Glion. I believe experience is what really develops someone; and for me, the opportunity to spend one semester on our London campus is one of the most crucial changes during my time at Glion. I get to live in London and see what one of the most mature luxury hotel markets is like, meet new people, and experience a university campus that has more than 9’000 students from 140 different countries. Glion London is a completely different university life experience than Swiss campus; here, there is an organic vegetable store, convenience store, and many different types of cafeterias around the school.

2.What expectations did you have before you arrived and how has Glion London met those expectations?

I knew that Glion London is a rather small institute compared with the Swiss campuses and because of this, everyone knows everyone. It is like a big family! We are always bonding and the campus life leaders here are also really helpful in organizing new London Experience events for us to enjoy.

3.Use 3 words to describe Glion London.

Glion London is all about opportunities, it’s lively and enlightening – it’s definitely an experience of a lifetime.

4.Why would you recommend Glion London to future students?

Glion London is an opportunity for students to experience one of the most cosmopolitan cities and study on the only Swiss campus university in London.

5.What does the Glion Spirit mean to you?

Glion Spirit means that at this school, no matter if you are in London or Switzerland, Glioners are always looking after one another. It is an investment in our future connections with friendships.

6.What student life opportunities do you have on the campus?

The campus has a lot of interesting opportunities to socialize both with Glion people and Roehampton students. One of my favorite things about it is the “Growhampton” student sustainability project (in the pictures) which aims for every faculty member and student of the Roehampton University to be involved in being sustainable during their everyday lives on campus. There is also an open space in the campus where the Growhampton has a café called Hive and a bike hub where people can go to repair, buy or sell their bikes. It is just like a little community here. A light organic lunch in the sun is the most enjoyable thing to do during break time.

7.What student life activities have you participated in and which ones do you appreciate the most? Tell us the story of one thing you did while at Glion.

I have participated in the London Experience activities. These events are an opportunity for us to experience the culture of London. We’ve done many things, from musicals, to dining in the dark and a scavenger hunt with the Swiss SGA members.


