
#GHEAC#[成功校友] 格里昂学生分享:通过格里昂找到合适的实习

Finding the right internship through Glion

Andrew Raul Nedelcu   2015年1月7日

  本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)在讲这句话的时候一定真正明白自己想要表达什么:“告诉我,我会忘记;演示给我,我可能会记住;但让我参与其中,我就会理解了。”实习就是让学生参与其中,从中获得工作经验,在专业技能和个人基础方面取得进步。以下是一些基本的步骤 — 我们格里昂的学生们就是通过这些步骤寻找实习的,找到实习后我们会真正去实践,下面还有我们的实习经历分享。




  作为学生,我们从一开始就被灌输如何高效地找到一份适合自己的实习以及在申请过程中哪些步骤需要格外注意。寻找实习的过程蕴含了学生和学校实习部门工作人员双方的努力 — 这些工作人员就像是学生和酒店集团之间的桥梁。从撰写一份出色的个人简历,到签署雇佣合同,在这整个过程中学校实习部门工作团队确保每一位学生都掌握足够的资源和技巧来找到一份合适的实习。

  实习之前,学生们可以(通过学校的Moodle门户网站)根据学校筛选出来的全球范围内的顶级酒店和会展管理公司清单进行选择。在这份清单中,学校把所有可以实习的公司都根据学生们的偏好进行了分类 — 比如根据地域、酒店或度假村的类型、签证要求、食宿提供状况等。



  我的第一次实习 — 在5个部门中的交叉培训

  我自己用了两周时间搜索实习职位,最终在法国南部一家知名的五星级酒店 — 万豪加纳度假酒店(J.W. Marriott, Cannes)— 找到了一份实习。我的职位是餐饮部管理培训生助理。我在所有的部门中都做了交叉培训,我成功地掌握了这些部门的运营知识:每个部门是如何高效运转的?以及与其他部门的运营方式有何不同?




  然后,第五个月的时候我又回到餐厅,在酒吧里工作。在那里,我学会了如何为客人准备基础的饮料、咖啡和鸡尾酒以及为客户服务,但是更重要的是我学会了如何去运营以酒水为基础的业务。最终,我最后几周的实习是在餐饮营业部 — 酒吧和餐厅的行政管理中心。在这个部门中,我的职责是为员工做好工作安排和日程规划,并且负责对所有工作环境的安全状况和整体的工作氛围是否令人愉悦和具有典范意义做好审查。



  第二次实习的时候,我们被鼓励选择一个比之前实习时更高的职位。第二次实习时我们已经是第4学期了,我们的课程和项目主题更多地集中在管理方法方面 — 第1学期的时候我们的课程主要集中在实践方法方面。通过这样不断地汲取更多的专业知识和行业内的实践经验,我们将会在职业道路上持续向前发展,不断地向更高的职位迈进,直到一个职位的职责与我们的知识和能力相匹配时为止。



英国与瑞士格里昂酒店管理高等教育学院 - Glion Institute of Higher Education
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
     189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座 C座16E

Finding the right internship through Glion

by Andrew Raul Nedelcu 7 January 2015

Benjamin Franklin really knew what he was talking about when he said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I may remember. Involve me and I learn.”  Internships do just that, they involve a person, allowing them to gain work experience to progress on a professional and personal basis. Here’s the basic process by which we Glion students find internships and carry them out, and what we gain from them. 

Why do an internship?

Here at the Glion Institute of Higher Education, our internships take place during semesters 2 and 5 (n.b. from 2015 it will be semesters 3 and 5), over five to six months. So the internships occur after we have completed a significant amount of Applied Learning in practical courses on campus. Our internships in the hospitality industry provide us with a strong foundation of “real-life” work experience and operational knowledge that we will use in their future careers as hotel managers and leaders.

Finding the right internship

As students, we are informed from the very beginning on how to efficiently find a suitable internship and what procedures to take in consideration. This cooperative effort involves both students and members of the Internship Department who are like a bridge between students and hotel companies. From editing an outstanding CV, to signing employment contracts, the team insures that each and every student has the resources and skills to find an internship.

Throughout the semester before internship, students have access ( via the school’s Moodle portal) to a list of leading hospitality and event management companies on a global scale. Here, all available company internships are sorted out according to student’s preferences – such as the location, the types of hotels or resorts, the visa requirements, availability of accommodation, etc.

Since the hospitality industry is a fast-developing business on a global scale, we may choose to work and live within a cultural environment different from the one we’re used to; thus automatically gaining a multicultural working experience.

Sometimes we choose internships based on language studies or a hotel’s reputation within a specific region .There have been cases when people choose to do an internship in their home country or even city, which is also acceptable seeing as they know the local attractions and people’s way of thinking. It can take anywhere from one week to two months to find an internship, and we are encouraged to seek early and often.

My First Internship – Cross Training in 5 Departments

I personally found my first internship after two weeks of searching available positions at a well-known 5* hotel in the South of France, the J.W. Marriott, Cannes.  As an assistant Food & Beverage Managing Trainee, I did cross-training within all departments, and I managed to gain knowledge on how each sector is run effectively and differentiated from the others.

I worked as a Receiving clerk for the first month. This was a good starting point, as it allowed me to become familiar with all the products that were to be used in the bar, restaurants and banquets. Everything arrived on a daily basis in the mornings and I was in charge of quality control, proper stocking methods and regular inventories.

In my second month, I moved to the Room Service Department. All though the duties seemed simple, the post itself was very demanding for there were days when I had eight-ten orders and others when they seemed to never stop. This post taught me that by working in this industry, I must be very organized and flexible to meet and exceed customer expectations at random, unannounced times.

During my third month, I worked as a waiter in the fine-dining, steakhouse restaurant at the hotel. My entire fourth month was detail-focused work in the Banquets and Events Department, where massive events such as conventions, business meetings, weddings or gatherings required a more hands-on approach; but also involved team management and organizational skills.

Then, in the fifth month I returned to the restaurant, to the bar. There, I learned how to prepare and serve basic drinks, coffees and cocktails; but also how to run bar-based operations. Finally, my last weeks were spent in the Food & Beverage Outlets Offices – the administrative hub of the bars and restaurants. In it, staffing and scheduling of employees was my responsibility and also surveying that all working conditions safe and the overall work atmosphere was pleasant and exemplary.

During this internship, I had the privilege of working within a multicultural team, with people from all over Europe and the world, sharing their professional experience and support. The Internship Department’s job does not end when we sign a contract either; they are also committed to the students well-being during the working period and they keep in contact with both  the intern and employer on a regular basis to monitor the progress of the intern and provide advice whenever necessary.

Second Internships and Beyond

For the second internship, we are being encouraged to choose a higher working position compared to our previous one .Because in our 4th semester, classes have topics focused more on managerial methods – as compared to first semester classes which are focused on practical methods. This way, we will move forward on our professional path by gaining more and more knowledge and learning experience on the way within the industries “hierarchy” until we reach a position with suitable responsibilities and duties.

At the end of both internships, we are required to write and hand-in a written internship report. This is a formally written report, where students discuss their work-experience as a whole.  Positive comments, eventual issues and methods on solving them are thoroughly discussed to attain a maximum benefit from the learning experience.

When we approach the day we graduate, the experience we’ve gained through these internships will give us a clear view of how it is to work within the hospitality industry and thus have a clear view on what and how we specifically want to work in our future jobs. This vision and preparedness is the point of internships and the beneficial outcome of a combined effort of internship staff and students at work.


